Just Spin N Hustle Q-63761 (Mr. Bazil Brush) 14/8/07
I purchased Bazil as a three-year-old gelding from Jane Langdon.
I had the privilege of starting a couple of Janes horses under saddle and enjoyed working with them, so when Bazil came on the market, I jumped at the chance to purchase him as a project horse to resell on; well, that was the plan he is now 14 and still with me.
They say the horses that challenge you a little initially, in the beginning, turn out to be your best horses; well, this would have to be true of Bazil. In the first couple of weeks of owning him, I would have to admit he was a little challenging. When you could catch and halter him, and that was no easy feat in a large paddock, he would brace himself turn his head and run, resulting in me dragging behind. He quickly found himself living in the cattle yards until the catching lessons were complete.
A few weeks later, and our relationship started to form, he would have to be the easiest horse I have broken to saddle with walk, trot and canter achieved on his first ride, the next day out on the trail, and the rest is history.
He has been and still is today my leading demo horse for my Horsemanship, Liberty and Cowgirl Retreats; whatever the task I ask of him, he will give it a go and puts his heart into it. He is, however, the quirkiest horse I have ever owned with a huge personality; we joke and say he is the class clown of the horse world.
I have heard a horseman of old say you are lucky if you have one exceptional horse in your life, and I feel very fortunate that Bazil lives in my herd.

Shadows Last Card (Bronson) 2009 Quarter Horse
I was gifted Bronson from my dear friend Nicole Magaric as a nine-year-old, and he is a half-brother
to my beloved old horse Bud. He was a late starter to his riding career and broken to saddle just
before he arrived at his new home with me in Eungella.
He is currently in training for Cowboy Dressage and has recently started demonstrating at Cowboy
Dressage Clinics. We are excited for his future in the Cowboy Dressage court, a lovely big black
gelding with a beautiful movement; he looks quite the picture.
We are discovering Bronson is a social character at our clinics; he constantly wants to say hello to all
the horses as they pass by, and we laugh and nickname him the Labrador, the big friendly Labrador
of the horse world.
Our partnership is growing with Bronson now trying to race basil to get to the gate first when they're
both called to come in for their morning workouts; sibling rivalry is a play.

Moonlight Magnolia Q-33911 (Bud) 2/11/95
It has always been my dream to own a golden palomino and that dream came true in 1998 with the
purchase of Bud from my good friend Nicole Magaric.
Bud has been one of my most prominent teachers to date as we decided to keep him entire and
stand him at stud; handling a stud was a new skill I had to acquire, rising to the challenge.
We went on to show and breed from him until later in his teens when we chose to geld him due to
us closing the Quarter Horse Stud.
I always say I owe this boy everything because of him; I looked out of the box and led me on a
journey to pursue Natural Horsemanship. I was fortunate to receive help with Bud from Guy
McLean, for which I am immensely grateful as this has led me on my journey to constantly think
outside the box finding better ways to work and build partnerships with horses.
Bud today can be seen wandering the paddock leading a life of leisure as a retiree. A heart murmur
detected on one of his routine vet examinations impacted his ridden career.
Today it has progressed into degenerative heart disease, so he is no longer ridden, but he does
command the King of the paddock presence and rightly so living like one.

Marouka Ruben Du Jour DOB - 23/03/2019
Pure-bred Gypsy Cob
The newest member of our herd, Ruben, was born on 23/3/19 a lovely Gypsy Cob bred by Marouka Gypsy Cobs.
Ruben does not have a story to tell yet, but I am super excited for his future.
He has been with me for a week now and has nearly finished his Groundwork Foundation exercises. He is the sweetest natured little guy and a super-fast learner.
I have been videoing all my training sessions with him for a series to be released called the Ruben Diaries will be fun to show people how I bring on a young horse.
Stay tuned for his story to unfold.