Horses Helping Humans™

Mandy is excited to launch the Horses Helping Humans™ Programme.
Mandy and husband Steve have been heavily involved with children and Youth work in their early married life. Their desire was later in life to establish a training facility where people could come and feel safe whilst participating in Equine Assisted Learning.
Mandy first learned about the Horses Helping Humans Programme when she was gifted a book "Horses Who Heal", by author Sue Spence.
Sue is the founder of the HHH Programme.
After reading Sue's book she set it aside for a few years and continued with her formal Equine Studies and Natural Horsemanship training, running a very successful Equine Coaching business.
Feeling it was now the right time to commence formal training in Equine Assisted Learning, Mandy came across an ad for the HHH programme and requested more information. After reading through the information pack she was delighted to find that it used her Natural Horsemanship training along with Personality profiling which she had also studied when working with Youth.
To find out more about Sue and the Horses Helping Humans™ Programme please visit:

Equine Assisted Learning allows you to develop new emotional patterns and boundaries in a non-threatening or judgmental environment.
Practical and visual workshops and hands on small groups help participants develop emotional and impulse control for anger and anxiety management; improve communication skills to help form healthy relationships; build confidence, self esteem and respect for self and others; learn to say no effectively to develop healthy boundaries; reduce stress.
Simply by observing or participating in natural horsemanship (horse whispering) sessions can help you to recognise areas in your life which may need to be brought into balance. As you see mutual respect flowing from horse to handler, you will be encouraged to develop the same respect into other areas and relationships in your life.
No horse experience necessary! All interaction with horses is conducted on the ground.

Horses Helping Humans™ Course developed by Sue Spence, is an internationally recognised, interactive and practical award-winning program. The program became licensed in 2016 due to the high number of enquiries from all around Australia, asking if it was available in other states. This program is now synonymous with professional training as it is known as a results-based program.
Sue was the first person to develop and identify different body language techniques for individual personality profiles. The program specialises in personality profiling and body language analysis. Sues 4 horses were used to represent a modern adaptation of the four temperaments theoretical framework. The unique work demonstrates how choleric, melancholy, sanguine and phlegmatic personality types have their own conditioned responses when under pressure. Horse whispering meets people whispering within the innovative equine assisted life coaching program, that integrates extensive knowledge bases in interpersonal communication skills, body language, emotional intelligence, and personality types.
Add to the above the horses for the hands-on courses, then you have a unique program that provides a genuine alternative to communications-based teachings. The program teaches clients the basics of Natural horsemanship ground skills (no riding involved). You can have zero horse experience to participate. Natural horsemanship ground skills focus on mutual respect and trust between horse and rider. Participants learn how to gently back their horses away from them to create healthy safe boundaries, how to circle horses around you on a 12ft lead, pop them over small jumps and lead them around an agility course. By working together with the horses, participants will learn vital skills such as self-confidence, communication, emotional control, respect, and trust for others. These skills are vital elements that must be well developed in an individual for them to become a part of and contribute meaningfully to their local community.
The 1 ½ to 2-hour program is run once per week for three consecutive weeks. One on One client sessions or group sessions with a minimum of 3 participants and a maximum of 4 participants. Program can be tailored to Youth, Veterans, Women, Families, Children and Corporate Organisations for Team Building.
Youth Horsemanship Program
Many disadvantaged and disengaged youth have been denied the role models (such as effective parenting) necessary to teach them these skills; many come from homes where trust levels are exceptionally low. The program tangibly demonstrates to clients how much more effective the use of calm assertiveness (instead of aggressive behaviour) is in getting their horse to willingly respond; showing them, perhaps for the first time, what empathy and respect for another living being looks like. As the horses respond in kind and show respect and trust for their young handlers, many former schoolyard bullies are reduced to tears by this show of affection, perhaps for the first time from another living being. The program is also designed to assist case workers responsible for at-risk and disenfranchised youth and uses adult learning principles and audio/visual aids as well as practical demonstrations with our horses. This program is producing good results with young people ranging from improved behaviour in school, reduced suspensions, and better engagement in the community. Youth are referred to the program by psychologists, NDIS support co-ordinators and youth & family welfare services. This referral process ensures that all youth participating in the program need benevolent aid due to factors such as, family history of domestic violence, low socio-economic conditions, disability, and mental health issues. The 1 ½ to 2-hour program is run once per week for three consecutive weeks. With a minimum of 3 participants and a maximum of 4 participants per course, this suits many services as only one car is required for youth workers to transport the students. One on one sessions are also catered for. The final week includes a presentation show where students demonstrate their new calm assertiveness and body language skills. They receive trophies. Youth workers attend with their students each week. Workbooks are supplied to all support workers so follow up on the topics we cover in the course can always be referred to in the student’s ongoing support.
This program has much to offer people with a variety of challenges being funded by NDIS.

Price list
3 week private course – 1 student ($150 per session), 1.5 - 2hrs pw $450
3 week course – 2+ students ($127 per session pp), 1.5hrs pw $380 pp
Half day family dynamics workshop up to 4 people, 3hrs $600
Half day family dynamics workshop up to 4 people, 3hrs $600
Half day youth workshop up to 4 people, 3hrs $600
Half day adult / community services staff / team dynamics workshop, 3hrs. $150 pp
Private adult consultation, 1.5hrs $260
NDIS participant session, 1.5hrs $180 pp
Post program outcomes report, $100