Cowboy Dressage
From the first time I saw a video of Eitan Beth Halachmy riding his lovely Morgan Stallion Santa Fe, I knew I wanted to learn more.
I feel Cowboy Dressage compliments my style of Horsemanship by the way I view and work with my horses. Cowboy Dressage is a beautiful community of like-minded people all working with one goal in mind to ride with a soft feel, find and seek the true meaning of the word.
In 2016 a visit to the United States of America saw me attend one of Eitan’s Clinics. To say I was awestruck was an understatement; I loved how Eitan worked with His horses and instructed students and the vision behind Cowboy Dressage. The highlight of my trip was riding Eitans Horses.
A couple more trips to the United States and more study, and I became a Cowboy Dressage Recommended Level 2, Judge and Clinician, proud member of the Cowboy Dressage World Professional Association.
What can you expect at a Cowboy Dressage Clinic?
The day commences at 8:30 am with a brief chat and then moves into the Cowboy Dressage Court for Partnership on the Ground.
Depending on the level of the clinic, we will work in the Challenge Court and Open Court on either Walk, Jog or Walk, Jog lope exercises.
We usually finish the clinic off with participants riding a test.
Would you mind reading the Cowboy Dressage rule book to familiarise yourself with Cowboy Dressage and taking their free Handshake Membership at www.cowboydressageworld.com
All Clinic application forms must be completed online at least a couple of days before attending the clinic.
Can I ride in any saddle - Yes, although in competition, you must ride in either a western or Aussie saddle.
I am a complete beginner, can I attend - Yes, if you can ride a horse at a walk, you can ride Cowboy Dressage.
I have a young green horse. Is this clinic suitable - Yes, riding in the Challenge Court is an excellent training tool for the green broke horse.
Can I bring two horses with me - No, the clinic fee is for one horse and rider.
Your riding tack, halter and lead at least 12 feet, dressage whip or training stick, flag, drinking water, riding in outside arena - sun cream required, camping over yours and your horse's needs, mounting block if you own one, camp chair.
Occasionally horses will not drink when away from home it is a good idea to bring something with you to aid this, e.g. molasses, red cordial.
Coffee, Tea and Lunches are complimentary for riders.
Auditors ticket includes meals.
Mandy Probyn Equine Connection will have a Pop-up Shop at the clinic where you can purchase horse equipment and other products; Credit card facilities are available.
Special thanks to www.vanderstoepphotography.com
Looking forward to seeing you at one of our clinics
Mandy Probyn